September has been a great month, and challenging for many reasons. Working with good people is important and I do work with a lot of good people. I’ve recently taken on the role as president for the Manly Business Chamber (MBC). I don’t think I’ve had a title before which carries so much personal pressure and I’m keen for the challenge and to make a difference. I did my due diligence prior to accepting and as this is my year to say “yes”, agreed.

MBC is a Not For Profit supporting and advocating for local business in the Manly area covering a significant area of the northern beaches. We meet monthly to discuss opportunities to improve the local economy and liaise closely with council and state government. My initial weeks were filled with meetings with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, MPs and ex-presidents. Quite overwhelming at first, but it’s been a great reminder of the power of individuals all working with the same purpose.

I transfer that thought across to the businesses I work with both here and in Singapore. Disruption is one of the words of the year (along with pivot, agility and resilience!), and sometimes it’s difficult to flex when you’ve set a plan in place. However, if you can maintain good relationships and trust, and keep an eye on the vision then achievements can be ticked daily. I re-watched Simon Sinek’s purpose Ted Talk as a refresher.

I was meant to be seeing Simon present earlier this year. One of the reasons I’m such a fan is his very simple reminder that if everyone understands their purpose, they can then find their own way of contributing to achieving it.

Back to my new role at MCB. Do we have a plan? Yes, a few months ago we got together and workshopped the most important strategies. Our overall mission is to Support + Connect + Prosper. It’s difficult to do that when your opportunities to meet with the membership are limited (in the current environment), as our social events are a highlight. However, our executive officers Chantelle and Monique are enormously pro-active and committed.

My advice is always to ensure that your team understands your purpose. If it’s undefined then confusion reigns. As leader, you’re required to bring everyone back to looking over the parapet to the long game. Clarify who you are there to serve, why you’re in the business and if you’ve lost your way then it’s time to take a break. Work with a trusted advisor who will challenge and push you until you’re back on track.

My purpose at MBC is to lead the executive committee to serve the Manly businesses.

My purpose at Aide de MD, as a leadership strategist, is to mentor and support business leaders to achieve their goals.

What’s your purpose?