by | May 26, 2016 | Newsletters
Welcome to our Aide de MD Newsletter. I’m fully aware that we live in a time of information overload and that the “reading section” on my laptop and next to my bed is toppling over. However, when it’s time to celebrate and acknowledge events, the written word is still...
by Sarah Bernie | Aug 27, 2015 | Newsletters
Welcome to my second newsletter for 2015. It’s been a busy year and Kristy and I have been working almost to capacity. This month celebrates my 9th year of operations, a perfect time to consolidate and review. The strengths of Aide de MD include specialising in...
by Sarah Bernie | Feb 26, 2015 | Newsletters
Over the last year, I’ve made some changes at Aide de MD. I have appointed Kristy McGuire as Executive Assistant, broadened my scope of business and been noticed by the Australian Financial Review. Below you will find my latest article, titled “Honest Feedback The...