Aide de MD Newsletter – August 2015

in Newsletters

Welcome to my second newsletter for 2015. It’s been a busy year and Kristy and I have been working almost to capacity. This month celebrates my 9th year of operations, a perfect time to consolidate and review. The strengths of Aide de MD include specialising in management at the top level, being flexible with businesses […]

Aide de MD Newsletter – February 2015

in Newsletters

Over the last year, I’ve made some changes at Aide de MD. I have appointed Kristy McGuire as Executive Assistant, broadened my scope of business and been noticed by the Australian Financial Review. Below you will find my latest article, titled “Honest Feedback The Best Policy”, published in the AFR Saturday 21st February 2015.

Honest Feedback The Best Policy

in Aide de MD in the media

Published in the Australian Financial Review 23rd February 2015. It would take a brave employee to approach the owner of the business they are working for and tell them they weren’t happy with their leadership. The challenge of how to encourage honest feedback, which could be taken the wrong way, is probably why the principals […]

What did you learn in 2014?

in Articles by Charlotte

Happy New Year! January is a great time to ensure your plans are set for the coming 12 months, but don’t forget to consider what you learnt last year. Some personal prompts which I’m sharing as one or more came up in every one of my meetings: 1. Leaders seldom realize the impact their behaviours […]

Micromanagement, what is it?

in Articles by Charlotte

“Just leave it, I’ll do it”, sigh. Is micro-management the fault of the staff member who “just doesn’t get things done” or the manager who “doesn’t delegate, give clear direction or empower their staff”? An interesting situation and very common but the question of communication is rarely raised, just fingers pointed and frustration aired. How […]

Structure & Balance

in Articles by Charlotte

Structure, in the office and at home, allows you freedom to be impulsive…sounds confusing but makes sense when you think about it. Prioritising some of the day for you to work on the business or consider your next steps encourages considered risk taking rather than fire-fighting, so important when you manage a business. I do […]

AFR Weekend Edition 9th & 10th November

in Aide de MD in the media

AFR November 2013 Take control of business cash flow Good cash flow is the backbone of any small business so when the bills aren’t being paid on time, quick action is needed. Dun & Bradstreet’s latest Trade Payments Analysis shows 60 per cent of invoices are settled beyond the standard 30-day payment period, with many […]

    Aide de MD
    Aide de MD is a consulting service offering business owners confidential support and guidance, working with businesses across Australia and Singapore. Aide de MD specialises in accountability frameworks, growth strategies and businesses in transition.
    0419 416 116
    PO Box 410 Balgowlah NSW 2093