I was away for nearly a month over June/July, so exciting and a great break with my family. We went overseas and many presumed that I would manage my business remotely…I did to a certain extent but I also had back-up colleagues to support me. I strongly recommend everyone has time away from the business, your job and your everyday responsibilities but it is difficult to manage. Over the last few years I have acted as MD Caretaker for a few businesses while their MD/Owners have been overseas and have really enjoyed it. It is interesting that the issues that arise are generally not major, but do need someone to make a decision. I find that this period of time is perfect to assess and encourage the next in charge to make decisions as they can be inhibited by the presence of the owner. Leading and encourage your team to stand up and take decisions, knowing that they will be supported by you in the long term is critical. It takes confidence, clear direction and an element of trust to allow this to happen – but the pay-off is enormous.
In most cases, we have made changes to the infrastructure of the business following this experiment, giving more accountability to the next in charge and diversifying business strategies allowing more rapid growth. All elements of the greater plan but challenging to facilitate when you’re in the midst of the day to day business. I learn more about the team around me every time I go away, and the potential for growth is exciting – watch this space!