Aide de MD


Thank you for your time over the last couple of months and the invaluable lessons that you have imparted through the program. I have really learnt a lot and have already used a number of the tools that I have learnt with you to reframe my thinking – with positive results!

Rachael Barrowman
Account Manager, Arts Balarinji

As we had new Directors appointed to our Board during the Covid disruptions, it was a timely workshop to bring new and old Directors together.

Charlotte had thoughtfully canvassed the matters Directors wanted to discuss prior to our meeting. This meant that we got to the heart of them quickly allowing for focussed discussions and the exploration of a variety of strategies in Board dynamics and decision making.

Charlotte created an atmosphere that encouraged engagement by all and enabled real and challenging issues to be discussed. This led to the following up of actions and further discussions by Directors to guide continuing improvement in decision making practices and policy development.

We agreed that in a suitable time we would have another Workshop with Aide de MD.

Joan Treweeke
Chairman Royal Far West

NSW Rural Doctors Network is pleased to recommend Charlotte Rimmer and Aide de MD. With support of the Board and within a strong strategic construct, our organisation has benefited from targeted executive coaching from Charlotte. In addition to continuing the development of our individual technical skills, we have committed to building a strong values-based Executive team which operates with emotional intelligence and in partnership for best outcomes of our staff and the communities we serve. Charlotte’s ability to embed appropriate accountability across individual coaching and within the strategic planning sessions is a real strength of her approach. She has also supported quarterly strategic off-sites, mentoring and our director recruitment process.

Richard Colbran, Kerrie Hamilton & Mike Edwards
CEO, Director of Corporate Services & Director of Service Delivery NSW Rural Doctors Network

Charlotte has been a mentor, sounding board and voice of reason for me while I have grown my business over the past 18 months. Charlotte has allowed me to prioritise managing the team and putting people first, which has resulted in not only a thriving workplace but a growing client portfolio due to productivity. Her advice is both practical and motivating, and acts as a constant voice of reason during challenging moments. As a young female business owner, investing in Charlotte’s time has been invaluable and has allowed me to be in control every step of the way.

Sophia Athas
Creative Director Hatrik House

Charlotte of Aide de MD has been an amazing partner for our digital teams as we have grown from around 100 people mainly in one location to more than 500 people across multiple regions globally. She has been able to run amazing accountability, communication and leadership programs for all levels in the organisation which were impactful across different cultures and countries. No matter the country, the teams rated her highly and we have seen measurable benefits in the attitude and engagement of the teams.

Beyond team programs, she is a valued advisor and sounding board for the leadership team. Especially in a quickly growing and changing organisation, having someone external who leaders can talk through challenges, concerns and questions is often undervalued. Charlotte has helped demonstrably in this regard.

We look forward to working with her in the months and years ahead. I would be happy to speak with anyone about her on LinkedIn if you have further questions.

Connor Clark-Lindh

Charlotte has been our business mentor for a couple of years now.

As accountants, we know the importance of good business management. This is where Charlotte came in. She reminded us that we need to give our own business the same care and attention that we advise our clients to give their own businesses.

The commitment, passion and enthusiasm Charlotte brings to our sessions never wavers.
With Charlotte’s guidance and collaborative approach, we have been able to create structure, accountability and the strength for our business to grow and provide our team a great working environment.

From our quarterly 1 on 1’s to our annual strategy day, all parts of Aide de MD’s services have given us the tools and insight into maintaining a healthy business.

This rewarding partnership has enabled us to achieve and maintain our business goals. Charlotte’s expert knowledge, guidance and ongoing support has been invaluable to our business. You will always receive an exemplary service from the whole Aide de MD team.

We look forward to working closely with Charlotte and the rest of the team for many years to come.

Elly Bowden-Kibble
Partner Mair Mansfield & Co.

The accountability session was a great opportunity to bring our team together for development training that suited all skill levels. The session was engaging, providing practical advice and a step by step toolkit. I would highly recommend as a team-building exercise that provides staff with the skills to manage workload, prioritise their time and realise the importance of effective communication! Thank you, Charlotte!

Rachel Taylor
Head of Project Management and Studio Balarinji

If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of working with Charlotte Rimmer and Aide de MD to help you strengthen your business and your own professional capacities, then you are in for a treat! Charlotte is the best strategic advisor with whom I have ever worked. She is laser sharp in her ability to assess situations relating to business growth, accountability and shared responsibilities, and equally skilled in being able to navigate and guide her clients to constructive solutions.

Charlotte is honest and forthright. If you want to know where you stand, ask Charlotte. Always though, she communicates with compassion, truth, empathy and great respect. She has given wise counsel and support to both me and my Executive staff on a number of occasions and worked with all of us to strengthen our Executive team bonds and our Executive performance.

Her business Aide de MD is just as it says – an aid to the person in charge who needs more of themselves to cover all their responsibilities. An investment in Charlotte is a great investment in both yourself and your business. I can thoroughly recommend Charlotte and Aide de MD to anyone wanting to empower themselves, their staff and/ or their business.

Lindsay Cane
CEO Royal Far West

I really enjoyed working with Charlotte in what has been an incredibly tough year dealing with unforeseen challenges. The connection we had was very natural from the start!
Her thought processes to formulate ideas really helped. She has been a big support and wonderful to work with.

Nicola Cowie
National Workplace Operations Manager Williams Lea
    Aide de MD
    Aide de MD is a consulting service offering business owners confidential support and guidance, working with businesses across Australia and Singapore. Aide de MD specialises in accountability frameworks, growth strategies and businesses in transition.
    0419 416 116
    PO Box 410 Balgowlah NSW 2093