by | Sep 22, 2016 | Aide de MD in the media, Articles by Charlotte
Published in the Australian Financial Review 15 September 2016 By Charlotte Rimmer Flexibility is such a topical word but what does it really mean? Who wants it and how do you get it? Salaries are not just about money – your renumeration is called a package as it...
by | May 26, 2016 | Newsletters
Welcome to our Aide de MD Newsletter. I’m fully aware that we live in a time of information overload and that the “reading section” on my laptop and next to my bed is toppling over. However, when it’s time to celebrate and acknowledge events, the written word is still...
by | Jan 25, 2016 | Articles by Charlotte
“We all have to do everything now!” Really? I’m not convinced. When businesses moved from having shared support to executives managing their own desks, diaries, etc I believe that there was a marked shift in workflow and production. Senior staff had done their time...
by | Dec 18, 2015 | Articles by Charlotte
Welcome back! It’s already mid-January 2016 and my feet are well and truly under my desk. What is the most helpful thing anyone can do for me or any professional returning to work after a fabulously relaxing holiday? Remind me of my Vision for 2016 and core goals…as...