Version 2

3 times this week I’ve been introduced as someone’s Business coach. This has surprised me and I’m not sure why … it’s quite obvious to others that this what I do so why do I shy away from the term?

Years ago I did a fantastic coaching course, during it I found that the difference between what I did and what the others in the room did, was the following: In my mind, the Coach was someone who gently coaxes individuals to find their own way, the Consultant advises on the strategy. So, I now acknowledge that I do both.

Over the years I have found that the MDs/CEOs, with whom I work, are caught up in the day to day running of their businesses. They are time pressed and want a solution, so they turn to me to engender discussion and provide clarity. This is the best conversation to have, a discussion around a problem with an external advisor who has an objective perspective allowing freedom to consider all consequences of a specific strategy or course of action.

Accountability comes into this too, but that’s another blog.
This is who I like to be: the sounding board; the safe environment for open discussion around challenges and the trusted advisor who works collaboratively towards a solution.
So, am I coach? Am I a consultant? I don’t really mind, as long as I can help, guide and support you in your business goals, you can call me whatever you like!