The novelty of new people. No offence to any of my current contacts, but I have just realised how stretching, challenging and exciting it is to meet new people. This week I have met or been introduced to a staggering 11 new significant contacts with whom I’m looking forward to developing connections.
This is extraordinary for me, I usually work independently on Monday and Friday in my office with Sarah, and the rest of the week is spent on-site with clients in their offices. I know most staff in those offices and have had the opportunity to sit with them and understand their how/why. I choose these clients because on an on-going basis we work collaboratively on improving accountability and achieving business goals which set the scene for the future. This is important to me and I will do everything in my power to ensure they receive the guidance, advice or debate they require from me. this is my core business and I love it.
However, today, I sat at my desk to respond to any outstanding follow ups or comms and realised that I needed more time. In fact, I needed another 4 hours! In order to honour my value of “contributing and helping others to progress in their world with intelligence and professionalism”, it is crucial to do the same. I need to ensure that each one of these contacts is treated with courtesy, respect and genuine curiosity in the hope that I can contribute in one way or another to their careers.
And how exciting, what an opportunity to learn and develop my own skills and breadth of purpose. And have some fun along the way.
I’ve now been side-tracked into writing this blog, so “the novelty” has become over half a day of developing, consolidating and enjoying my business – that’s my “tick for success today”… What’s your novelty?
Enjoy your weekend!