6 months left in 2012 – good or bad?
How do you feel when you look at the date and realise that there
are only 6 months left this year? Is it a relief that you’ve made it through
the first half or a quiet panic, how will you get everything done?
This is a great time to take a breath and consider your business
world, is it working for you or does it need tweaking? As a business owner, it
is difficult to make the time to re-consider your own goals within the business
and whether the direction you are taking is because it will take too much
energy to change or because it is what you really want.
Grab a coffee, find a sunny spot on your own and review your
goals…if you’re on track, celebrate and if you’re not, ring someone who can
help you gain perspective.
Act immediately, don’t put it in the “too hard” folder,
this is your business and you should be enjoying it!